Good morning everybody..
How are you today?
What about your week-end?
Ours was rather nice.... we celebrated a birthday and it was also the Medieval Day in our village.
The most difficult part of Medical English is indeed its vocabulary!!
Here's an example which can help you learn basic words :
Influenza Symptoms
Influenza (commonly called the “flu”) is a contagious respiratory illness= maladie caused by influenza viruses. The information below describes common flu symptoms, how to protect yourself and those close to you from getting the flu, and what to do if you get sick=malade with flu-like symptoms.
Be Aware of Common Flu Symptoms
Influenza usually starts suddenly and may include the following symptoms:
Fever (usually high) =Fièvre
Headache =Maux de tête
Tiredness (can be extreme) =fatigue
Cough =Toux
Sore throat =Maux de gorge
Runny or stuffy nose =Nez qui coule ou nez bouché
Body aches = douleurs ( au niveau du corps , qd on a mal partout!!)
Diarrhea and vomiting (more common among children than adults)
Having these symptoms does not always mean that you have the flu. Many different illnesses, including the common cold= un rhume simple , can have similar symptoms.
Or if you want the entire web page, here it is:
Have a nice day and see you later...
How are you today?
What about your week-end?
Ours was rather nice.... we celebrated a birthday and it was also the Medieval Day in our village.
The most difficult part of Medical English is indeed its vocabulary!!
Here's an example which can help you learn basic words :
Influenza Symptoms
Influenza (commonly called the “flu”) is a contagious respiratory illness= maladie caused by influenza viruses. The information below describes common flu symptoms, how to protect yourself and those close to you from getting the flu, and what to do if you get sick=malade with flu-like symptoms.
Be Aware of Common Flu Symptoms
Influenza usually starts suddenly and may include the following symptoms:
Fever (usually high) =Fièvre
Headache =Maux de tête
Tiredness (can be extreme) =fatigue
Cough =Toux
Sore throat =Maux de gorge
Runny or stuffy nose =Nez qui coule ou nez bouché
Body aches = douleurs ( au niveau du corps , qd on a mal partout!!)
Diarrhea and vomiting (more common among children than adults)
Having these symptoms does not always mean that you have the flu. Many different illnesses, including the common cold= un rhume simple , can have similar symptoms.
Or if you want the entire web page, here it is:
Have a nice day and see you later...