POST TEST | Page 19 | Femiboard: Grossesse
  • Un soucis de santé, une inquiétude ? ici vous répond, Inscrivez-vous !


Etes-vous pour la création d'une rubrique afin d'y échanger en anglais?

  • No sir...

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  • I tamponne my coquillard with a metatarse of brontosaure

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Maman Comblée
good evening everybody. How are you?

10 o'clock at night and I don't have enough energy to read everybody now!!

Mimen, Gardening and cooking aren't my hobbies.. Well I wish I were a better cook .... and also, I wish I had a beautiful garden in flower.

Hi.. Marikoko.. I didn't know you were a Barbie Girl!! How's Ken by the way? :wink:


New Member
Thanks everybody for all the corrections!! It's my time to go over the femi, I'm "couche tard" and in fact it's quite calm when the chidren are in bed...Today, it was cooking day for me, I would like to train (jump rope, abdo and some musculation) but I didn't find (I haven't found) time...(rho Peggy shame on me :oops: )

Swanie, you know, last time, when we discussed and you told me that you're feeling bad because of your friend, I imagine that it was a friend who suffers from the same illness as you...after I understand when I read your post about the misfortune of this's terrible!!! For your participation as our coach don't sorry (?) and don't just do what you can depends on your ability, your fatigue and we are happy to read you among us...
Mimem, I admire you to have the energy to make the summary and corrections!

Babydoll, take care of yourself.
How is your little cat?

Mariko, very nice picture of

Briandhuet, no too much work between your baby and the two older ones?

Mape, I should lend you my obstretician for your next visit. Once I was complaining because I had put on 2 kg in one month time, she answered me : "anyway, this is what you are going to put on every month untill the end of your pregnancy"...she was right, but at least, I did not feel guilty!

Micha, I don't know "Suzy". I'll see if I can find them. He is just reading "Les récrés du petit Nicolas" right now. He has already read another one of this series. They are funny, even for the older ones (like me... :oops: )

Do you know Roald Dahl's book? They are fine too. It's a coïncindence, Gavalda mentionned that author in La Consolante...

Today, I'm going to London. So I'll have the opportunity to practice my English. If I find a bookshop I'll look after the books you adviced me.

Hello Girls!

I'll try to improve my medical English with my post of today...
I went again (4th time) to the doctor with my daughter yesterday evening (at 9 pm!!). After spots (and over them) she was now covered with hives and complaining about her throat...
The doctor explains we will never know exactly the origin of the first spots, they seems to go away (going away?). Her throat was normal and the rest of the exam was normal as well, no temparature, nothing. He did a throat test and it was positiv, so she has antibiotic!!
He also explains we generally do not understand why hives appear or not.

So many questions :?: :?: we can't answer.
I'm quite reassured now. I hope all this will end soon....


New Member
Bibilulu I'm going to try myself to improve my medical english because I have two sick persons at home: my little baby of 17 months old have a's a simple cold but it's always restricting (?) because of alternatively runny nose and nez bouché (?)...My older (oldest?) boy have a great (?) cough ( :arrow: une bonne toux) and myself I feel a sort of "picottements" in my throat...

Drielle, I hope I'll be able to make the other corrections as soo as fact, I don't have much time at the moment, the atmosphere is not on the top with my mother-in-law that suffers of cancer...but I'll try to do my best to keep this post alive and with all the participants I don't really afraid...
