POST TEST | Page 23 | Femiboard: Grossesse
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Etes-vous pour la création d'une rubrique afin d'y échanger en anglais?

  • No sir...

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  • I tamponne my coquillard with a metatarse of brontosaure

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New Member
"caesarean section" mais on dit plus couramment "c-section". :wink:

Please, now it’ll be better to chose a color for the word we can’t translate…so it’ll be easier for others to make a correction

Congratulations for that long night sleeping!! I hope your son will sleep that long every night! My daughter still wakes up at 7.30 am every day, so 10 am, waouh!!

Brian: another children, yes, it's complicated. You will no longer be a family, but a big family and that is a totally different organisation for the house, the car, the holidays, everything! I have friends with 5 children, and another friend waiting for the fifth... I really think it's hard. Fantastic but hard and courageous.

Drielle, are you from Belgium? I didn't know... I always thougt you wer from Normandy, but I really don't know why :lol:

Soory I haven't been around lately... my husband was on vacation, so I was quite busy. I had my second ultra sound last thursday and the baby is fine! The doctor confirmed it's a boy. We are all very happy (even the dog! it's doesn't know yet, but he's gonna be a very good pal to play with the ball in several years!).
This week-end we had some trouble with my husband's family, and we are both very sad for a stupid argument. But that's life!

kisses ;)


New Member
Well, I have a litte time so I put on you (write on?) some gramatical lessons:

Nouns treated like singular: hair, news, evidence, luggage, toast, spaghetti, spinach, fruit, furniture, rubbish, advice, information, knowledge

So we say: That's good news
Where is your luggage? It's still in my room
Your hair is dirty
There wasn't much evidence against him

It's completly the opposite in french....I've found that interesting...obviously it's not from me! :wink:
Have a good day!


New Member
Mape, yes it's fantastic for the moment! I can see a real difference in my son's rythm sleeping...this nigth was ok with only one wake-up at 3 a.m...apparently medical drops are efficiency...and the best thing (I want to say 'la meilleure dans tout ça" is that once I put him on his bed I've just left the bedroom, he had never slept himsef without my's the fisrt time!

Otherwise, my mother-in-law is very tired and it kills me to see my husband so sad...he used to go around her every day after his job or at lunch-hour but this week-end we're planning to see her with the children.

Yesterday, my housewife had been beaten(?) by his's terrific, she was in tears and her face was "amoché" ...I wan't to help her...but it's delicate, in these cases people almost say "just mind your own business" and interferate in their family problems it's not so easy...

So, I have to go...My friend have just arrived with her little daughter for leaving her for lunch, she has an important meeting...
Hello girls,

These last days have not been easy for me : my dad died last Tuesday. I don't have the courage to tell you more here, if you want you can go and see in the post of the babies born in April 2006.

Mape, congratulations for your baby. I am happy everything is going all right. Do you now already how you will call him or is it a surprise? When is the birth due? (I'm not sure of that sentence...)

Yes, I am Belgian. I think you made a confusion with a very good friend of mine, Marymike, which is from Normandy.

Mimem, congratulation for this long night! Did it happen again?
It must be very hard for your husband, and therefore for you as well. I send you all my thoughts.

Briandhuet, I can understand your reasons for staying with 3 very well. Most of them are the same for me. But I still look at the pregnant women with envy...

See you soon



New Member
Drielle: I'm sorry for your loss. I hope that your children will help you through this hard time.

My due date is october the first. We will name him Raphaël, a classic (angel) name, that I adore.

MInem... your son stil have good nights? And you?
Housewife... I think you meant to say "maid". The girl who helps you clean the house? or help you with children?
I hope she's better now and that she'll find a way to get out this horrible family! How can you beat your own sister? Horrible!

Kisses ;)