POST TEST | Page 15 | Femiboard: Grossesse
  • Un soucis de santé, une inquiétude ? ici vous répond, Inscrivez-vous !


Etes-vous pour la création d'une rubrique afin d'y échanger en anglais?

  • No sir...

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  • I tamponne my coquillard with a metatarse of brontosaure

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Maman Comblée
Drielle, I didn't know you were from Belgium.

So, Happy Mothers' Day to you!!!

Val, I don't know what "Shitake" looks like? Is it a kind of Asian Mushrooms? I love mushrooms!

Yesterday, I cooked an Asian meal with minced beef, Black Mushrooms, Bamboo roots, mashed garlic and onions,and of course, soy sauce...
In other words, yesterday, I both did the Cooking and some gardening, which aren't part of my everyday hobbies!! :wink:
My husband even congratulated me!! :lol:

Have a nice afternoon!


Membre du personnel
Yes, Shitake is an Asian mushroom. Taste very good. Some shops like "grand frais" sell it all year long.
Usually I buy them dry but this man on the market sells them fresh. They're very good and very good for health too.


Fan de mes zèbres
Drielle, Anna Gavalda's books are excellent ! I love them ! All of them, even the book I bought for my first son which is called "35 kgs d'espoir".

And he liked it too !